Archive for the ‘Latest News’ Category
Guy Jeremiah, Aquatina Ltd
"...Apogee conducted a series of stringent tests in lab conditions [on our Aquatina Collapsible Pocket Bottle] which yielded some remarkable results. Andrew's attention to detail and enthusiasm produced a report that has satisfied our International clients and paved the way to a national retail contract for Aquatina. With Andrew's results to hand I was able to quickly assure 4 hostile BBC Dragons of the extraordinary resilience of the Aquatina. Guy Jeremiah, MD Aquatina Ltd, March 31, 2011"

Ignatius Shannon, MacLeodshield Ltd
"We had a very urgent requirement which had to be fullfilled within a very tight deadline, in addition to this a very active input was provided that fell outside of the original remit. I thoroughly recommend this company and in particular the help of Dr Andrew New is recognised. We shall again contract with this company. Ignatius Shannon Managing Director, MacLeodshield Ltd,"

Tim Bhattacharyya, Massachusetts General Hospital
"Great job. Worked with me again and again until requirements met."

Article in Med-Tech Innovation
Andrew has written an article for a great new medical devices magazine, "Med-Tech Innovation". Read it here (or for the magazine).